Sunday, January 13, 2008


in the office ...been working on things ...for them to buy ..for me to sell..ideas! ...i have been ..thinking on putting my products design out the world wide web...but thinking of ...the hussle of the interlectual properties ..IP....maybe here some motivations ....

the fine print in the screencap reads

Apple's always enjoyed patenting the near-absurd, just to get us speculating in the wrong direction or to give its thousands of patent lawyers something to do during a slow design cycle...... we can't really imagine Apple has this pair of "products" prepped and waiting in the wings of Macworld,.... but it's still fun to look....

First off we have a MacBook dock that conveniently looks just like an huh ... not much explanation is needed, you just slide the laptop into the side of the iMac and start desktoping away on the big screen....maybe away ..till it endup on your lap ...while watching tv ..ort on your bed ... the second patent deals with a quite familiar keyboard concept: OLED screens in every key..... It's not the first time an Apple patent has overlapped with a Lebedev design, but who knows how it'll go down if Apple tries to build one of these Lebedev-ish ideas -- Apple patented this keyboard concept about a year after the Maxiumus concept was first shown off.

go to to keep up on tech news like i do............yeah ...

yesz heard!

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