yeah yeah ...
as we all know election is around the corner ...better be good or better be bad would old or veteran umno contribute this year elections ..or they dont care "my time its up..ive done enough...full my tummy .belly ...and my bank account ...the only thing i know now is to enjoy life ...and bring 2 million .oz cash ..."?.....satu agenda ,,,,,dan agenda itu adalah melayu!....are all our leader ....have that agenda's in mind ..or they dont know? ..act like they dont know ..?..or forget?....or what are malays agenda's ...?...or maybe ...the young leaders some ...just thinking of ...mmm...what are the best way to become prime minister ....and forget ....the rest ...this this is happening..and we all know its happening the rest of malaysian ..
1)stop blamming the government ..they are doing their best
2)opposition leaders stop ...saying we want to change this government ...what makes you so sure you can make better ?
3)stop attending ...illegal gathering ....go to work...
4)change our mentality...on how to support your family ...and for better life ...economically...for future kids education....
5)makes you despetch doesnt meant your kids will do the same job as you ...the more higher education ...the better jobs for our kids ....
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s vision to provide equal opportunities to all the people and have a national policy of expanding the economic cake....... Whether the equal opportunity is applicable to rehabilitated sex perverts is not be the judge all politicians ..dont screw up your political future ....please dont have secret liaisons past..present..future ...that just not cool ...
last couple of days was v day would you know when your steak is good ?well done ?rare ?medium well?.....i discovered when we both didnt talk to each other for good couple of minuts and listen to the sound of us chewing that good bloody fucking wahyu beef..that is good ...really ...